The ApplyWithUs℠ service can support complex consortium, or one-to-many applications, like the Universal College Application® and Gateway to Prep Schools®, as well as applications to individual institutions in a variety of industries.

Complex Applications

The ApplyWithUs application service, through its underlying CollegeBound℠ software, can be customized according to your institutional needs and requirements for admissions, financial aid, and countless other business applications.

Multiple Forms

Your application can contain multiple forms, each with their own deadline and submission requirements. Forms can be grouped into distinct categories along with recommendation requests and online payments. All of these items can be tracked through a convenient Checklist by the applicant.


Your application can contain recommendation forms that can be requested by the applicant and completed by another individual. These can include teacher recommendations, personal recommendations, school reports, and electronic transcript requests, as well as any other 'third-party' form you can contemplate. The applicant is notified instantly of the status of the recommendation while the confidentiality of the recommendation content is maintained. For educational institutions, FERPA waiver status can be collected and viewed as well.

Online Payment Integration

Your application can track completion of fees collected by supported third-party payment processors. The status of these fees can be tracked by the applicant in their Checklist. Institutions can also track completion of payments through the administrative interface. It is possible to setup multiple methods to complete payment including different third-party payment processors and even completion of a form, such as a fee waiver.

Data Validation

Your forms can utilize a variety of tools to maintain the validity and reliability of your data including:

  • Custom dropdowns, radio groups, and multi-selects that can be updated on-the-fly
  • Custom complex lookups including sorting and searching capabilities to autocomplete multiple fields simultaneously
  • Required and conditionally required fields
  • Pattern validation for email addresses, phone numbers, dates, and numbers

Custom Submission Rules

Each component of your application can have its own deadline and prerequisite rules in order to meet your business requirements. For instance, you can specify the order that each component of the application should be completed.

Consortium Applications

Groups of institutions, whether in higher education, secondary education, employers, or others can utilize the ApplyWithUs service to reach a broader applicant population and make it easier to collect common information through a consortium, or one-to-many, application.

Multiple Institutions - One Application System

Consortium applications provide a number of unique benefits to participating institutions that cannot be achieved through an institution-specific application, such as:

  • Applicants who may not have otherwise known about your institution will be able to learn about it through the consortium
  • Applicants will have a more positive outlook on your institution when they can save time and reduce stress by managing their applications in one place

Consortium Forms

Consortium forms can be created by a single institution and then utilized by all other participating institutions if desired. Applicants can copy their submissions so they can send the same response to all accepting institutions or tailor their submission to an individual institution as they see fit.

Institution-Specific Forms

In addition to consortium forms, institutions can add their own forms to the application workflow. These forms are incorporated into the Applicant's Checklist so they can manage all of the application requirements in one place.

Consortium Recommendations

Consortium applications on the ApplyWithUs service can utilize consortium recommendation forms that can be accepted and required by its member institutions. This is especially helpful to recommenders who may be asked to complete many recommendations at the same time. Recommenders can manage all their recommendations within the consortium from the same Dashboard and manage their submitted recommendations just like applicants, including the ability to copy and tailor their responses.

Institution-Specific Recommendations

Just like there is a need for institution-specific forms, sometimes a member institution may require a recommendation specific to their institution. With the ApplyWithUs service, member institutions can add institution-specific recommendations to the application workflow. Recommenders can then manage these recommendations through their Dashboard and applicants through their Checklist.

Advanced Features

With over 27 years of experience and millions of forms processed, the ApplyWithUs service has been designed to make the application experience easier and less stressful for applicants and recommenders while allowing institutions to maintain control over the application process.

Intuitive Interface

The applicant, recommender, and institution administrative components have been carefully designed to reduce the time it takes to complete application activities and provide more information at a glance. The ApplyWithUs service is designed to work across most modern browsers and a variety of devices.

Applicant & Recommender Checklists

Applicants and recommenders can view all their requirements and deadlines through the Checklist. From the Checklist, they can quickly manage their submissions and other application components.

Custom Branding

Applications on the ApplyWithUs service can be branded to your consortium and institution utilizing your logo and color scheme. You can also add custom content in order to provide relevant information to applicants.

Instant Availability of Data

All submitted information, whether from an applicant or recommender, online payment status, or a consortium or institution-specific form is available to you instantly so you can process the data when you want.

Configurable Print and Data Exports

Once the data is collected from your forms, users can print and batch PDF copies of the data as well as export the data in text format for integration with other systems. The data export is configurable to meet your needs.